Open Hand Ministries

Promoting social justice and empowering black and brown Pittsburgh families to build multi-generational wealth.

You can support Pittsburgh families on their own journeys to financial wellness.

Open Hand Ministries is a Pittsburgh-based non-profit that provides critical financial skills workshops to underserved communities in a relationship-focused supportive environment. OHM’s model is unique in that they assist families as they navigate the financial path to home-ownership or other goals, and also provide exceptional homes (and long-term equity) at affordable prices through the support of grants and other financial tools.

Check out OHM’s web page for details on how they are creating positive change in Pittsburgh’s East End neighborhoods.

Consider Donating

Your generous donations will go directly to Open Hand Ministries, and will support financial skills workshops and programming, pay constructions costs such as materials and labor, and support the small staff of dedicated and talented employees. 

Please feel free to use the link below to donate to OHM so I can keep track of the fundraising!

Sponsor my Miles!

If you would like to make a pledge to donate to OHM based on how many miles I hike on the Appalachian Trail, please contact me at to make a pledge amount per mile. For example, if I finish the whole Appalachian Trail (2,200 miles) and you pledge $0.01 per mile, you’d end up donating $22.00! A pledge of $1.00 per mile would be $2,200, etc. 

Once I leave the trail and my final count of miles is available, I will contact you to make a total donation at the “Donate Online” link. Thank you!

Fundraising Status

I’m fundraising for OHM because I’ve been a Board member for over 3 years and I believe the organization provides a critical service within the Pittsburgh community. Through the hard work of the amazing staff and our incredible partner families, OHM is directly facilitating social justice and making Pittsburgh a Just City for All. Will you help me reach my stretch goal of $25,000?

Note, pledges-per-mile are accounted for in the below Progress Bar assuming that I complete 2,200 miles!

Progress Toward $25,000 Stretch Goal
Total Toward $25,000 Goal 55.5%